miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

The weather is warming up and life is too

I think spring is finally trying to break through! I have been waiting forever to walk past the park and see it full of people sitting out on the grass soaking in the sun. I just realized i haven't written in a while! I think its been two weeks and so much has happened! So i guess i'll just start from the most important things i can remember. And i will save the best for last :)
First of all, we took our first trip this weekend! It was me, my friend Jess and Carmen and new friend Clare from Wales! It was a long weekend (celebrating San Martin-liberator of Argentina everyone loves him here) and we decided we had to take advantage and after a month in the city it felt about time to get some fresh air. So we planned on going to Córdoba- a popular destination for porteños (people that live in Buenos Aires) to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It is, however, the second largest city in Argentina. Attractions: its a colonial towns so lots of beautiful cathedrals and old buildings. But outside the capital its a popular "outdoor activity" kind of place: horseback riding, hiking, paragliding (which i reallllly wanted to do) etc etc. So there are lots of little towns that surround Córodba that are popular to visit and there is the real life Argentine landscape which iconically and wonderfully reminds me a lot of Slo and home! Rolling hills, (may a little more mountainous) with tall grass, horse and cows.
We ended up booking the ten hour bus ride tickets the morning of (3:30am) and the hostel and since everything was filling up i was nervous so i just booked the first one that was good enough. So, i was super nervous the next day about the trip hoping it all would work out. And we got on the bus at 11 30 at night (super comfy seats that recline all the way back) went to sleep and woke up at 8 and ......we were in Córdoba! The Hostel was seriously the bomb, painted all these cool colors, realy comfortable really inviting fun people working there and staying there--all in all super great. We toured the city- took another bus out to a random town with a grrreat hiking spot called Uritorco with a river to follow. Met some Argentine camping friends and their adopted stray dog, went home, had a great dinner of wine and pizza and danced a little salsa. The next day we took a bus tour of the Argentine country side, lakes, taste tested salami, cheese and homemade bread, went to a little German town called La Cumbrecita- beauitful etc etc it was wonderful and we made it home safely. Planning and executing a trip like that was so liberating and so fun, and getting to know those girls better was great.
Ok but the story i really want to tell happened today! I should preface this by saying- the past two weeks or so have been great, but as always there are ups and downs. And it was just starting to feel kind like everyday- wake up eat breakfast, maybe run around the park, eat lunch go to class come home maybe do hw, read, write go to sleep with some random fun activities through in. But i've just been praying and thinking-- Lord is this the purpose you had me here for? To live, grow with you, and love the people around me in hopes that they would see you? Just thinking back to spring quarter at Calpoly, the Lord was literally blowing my mind everyday in the way he worked. And although i have felt him here with me, i know that he is working here, but i want to see it! So ....today i went to volleyball practice- always feels good to kick off the rust and play. Today there were a good amount of people there and we're gearing up for our first game... haha. But there was a new girl there today- outfitted in vball shoes and socks, and was just all in all a really good player. Anyways, her name is Moya and after practice i found out she lives two blocks from me so we walked home together. As we were talking she was telling me how her homestay was going and she went on to say that it was ok but sometimes there is just tension- trying to figure out what the host mom wants and expects from her. Her host mom is probably in her late 60s and it is just Moya and the host mom in the house.....sound familiar? Literally everything she was saying about- feeling like the host mom was critical of her and its just hard living in someone else home--i have felt that same way! Everything she was saying i was tracking with. -But the way she talked i just felt like we were on the same page and i had thins thought in my head--just ask her if she is a christian it wouldn't be weird--. I didn't but a couple minutes later we were stopped on a street corner chatting and she mentioned something about church and i was like--wait, are you a christian!? And she was like YEAH! i thought you were too!! And we literally started jumping up and down so excited to find a sister in Christ in this big city. And from our reactions this wasn't just a -cool we can be church buddies, but i could tell she has been longing for community with other believers in this city. She knew exactly how i felt- being here seeking the Lord and waiting to find him. Then we both started talking about how it has been, being here spiritually and the way she spoke i knew that she has experienced my Jesus. Every way she described him and waiting on him and seeking him out everyday --she has such a beautiful and devoted heart for the Lord. She isn't here to experience Buenos Aires as much as she is to bring Jesus wherever she walks. Finally. To find someone with the same heart and purpose. She started praying right then thanking the Lord that we had met and it was so good to hear someone pray out loud and talk to the Lord. She went on to tell me about some cool conversations of encounters shes had since being here and that she found a church that shes been going to! And, that her and another girl are going to start doing a bible study! All things i have been dying to hear.
It was a meeting planned perfectly by the Lord. I am so encouraged by her, who she is, her love for Jesus, but also i am so reminded that the Lord does work in ways that are obvious and evident. He does have great things planned for this place and i do believe and am going to strive after seeing them. Everyday lived with the Lord is a day where he can move in amazing ways. Sometimes i forget that, but this was such a reminder that it is true! Jesus knew that i needed that encourgament and that divine encounter to remind me to strive after the things he has here.

These have been my encouragements of the past weeks.
"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those that are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God...Where is the wise man?Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolishness the wisdom of this world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe...but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than mans wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than mans strength. Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many were wise by human standards...But od chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and teh despised things--and the things that are not --the nullify the things that are so that no one may boast befor ehim. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us the wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore as it is written:'Let him who boasts boast in the Lord'" 1 Corinth 1:18-31

There are so many times when i feel weak. When i feel crazy. When it seems like God isn't of that great of importance by the people around me. But he is everything. he is our wisdom, our righteousness holiness and redemption. It is ok that i feel weak because--i am weak. that is a true statement. And in my weakness Jesus takes over. In my weakness he shines even brighter and the fact that he chooses to use me, so weak as i am, to bring his power forth is wild. It is an honor. Obviously i forget these things and i don't like feeling weak but it is so good to let the Lord take over. So this is something i am reminding myself of constantly. But man right now i am praising the Lord. Meeting Moya was such a boost and a reminder of Jesus here. Ah so good to see Him moving.

1 comentario:

  1. "If you seek me, you will find me, when you search for me, with all your heart." (from Isaiah)

    God is so wonderful. :)

